This Code of Ethics is the result of a collective effort of the top management of our company, our partners and of their subsidiaries. For a Group such as Rosetti Marino, ethics and reliability are the main credentials to enter the market. We consider this of great importance for Rosetti Superyachts. With the adoption of this Code of Ethics we have therefore identified clearly our values and ethical principles which are already rooted in our business culture and we have drawn up rules of conduct and consequent rules of implementation. All the administrators, employees and collaborators of Rosetti Superyachts as well as those of all the companies of the Rosetti Marino Group, have the responsibility of observing the Code of Ethics in conducting business and management of relations, raising awareness regarding its requirements and setting an example for its concrete application. We are proud of this Code of Ethics and we ask all those who work, collaborate and communicate with us, to give their total commitment to fully adopt and respect it.